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Winc0n 20202022

a.k.a. the Old School Convention that never was (until now!)

After 2 years of unforeseen and catastrophic circumstances we are finally announcing the first edition of Winc0n! All useful information about the events will appear on this page in due time (after N00bcon 13)


Venue: The events will take place in various locations including Columbus Sea Hotel in Genoa, Italy. We are working to let everyone play with comfort in a relaxed environment.

Registration: We will use Tolaria to manage all the events, including registrations and entrance fees.


2 September 2022: Special Event - Scryings World Championship.

3 September 2022: Main Event - 93/94 Old School World Championship.

4 September 2022: Side Event - Atlantic Cup.

Main Event - Rules and reprint policy

Banned and Restricted list:

The B/R list used for the tournament is the one published on the 93/94 old-school blog - Ante cards are BANNED.

Cards legal for this tournament:

We will apply the so-called Ravenna updated rules: all reprints of cards originally printed in Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised are legal as long as they use the original art and layout, they are non-foil and tournament legal. See the image below for easy reference

City of Brass has multiple personalities

Atlantic Cup - Rules and reprint policy

Banned and Restricted list:

The B/R list and the rules enforced for the tournament are those published by New England Old School - Ante cards are BANNED.

Cards legal for this tournament:

We will apply the reprint policy adopted by Eternal Central: all cards that are legal for Ravenna rules + gold-border printings from e.g. Collector's Edition and World Championship decks are also legal to be played in decks.

Useful info

How to reach Genoa

By plane:
By train:

Genoa has two main railway stations: Genova Piazza Principe and Genova Brignole. Both have many bus stopping in front of them and are directly connected to the Metro line. The easiest way to reach the venue is the Metro. Stop at Dinegro and walk for a few minutes toward the ferry terminal and the lighthouse.

download the map here.


Columbus Sea Hotel is ideal to sleep literally at the tournament. Holiday Inn is also at walking distance.

iIf you're looking for a budget option in the city center there is Ostellin Genova Hostel or try Fairbnb to also have a positive impact on the local community.